Kingfisher Backcountry Charters

Kingfisher Backcountry Charters


Fish Pics

Lower Florida Keys Permit Fishing 

 As I may have described on my calendar page, the permit can be the most frustrating fish to pursue on the flats. A well place live blue crab or shrimp is presented correctly on the flats while sight fishing usually can get the job done as long as the cast can be delivered quickly without Permit sensing your presence. Fly fishing for Permit on the flats presents a much tougher challenge as making a cast to the quickly and accurately, and the cadence of slowly stripping the fly without blowing the shot at a Permit. On a good day while fly fishing for Permit, an average of 2 to 3 shots is a good day of fishing. Sometimes there are situations where Permit can be found in some of channels in the Backcountry which can make it a little easier catching one on live bait.

Stay tuned for more photos to come.